We would like to make it clear that the domains www.changeindia.in and www.changeindiacentre.in were at no time in the possession of Padam Narayanan or the NGO ChangeIndia, although he made this statement in court.

Truth alone triumphs.
सत्यमेव जयते
National Motto of India
"Good days are coming" (अच्छे दिन आने वाले हैं) was the Hindi slogan of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for the 2014 Indian general election.
“Save the girl child, educate the girl child” (बेटी बचाओं -बेटी पढाओ) is a social campaign of the Government of India that aims to generate awareness and improve the efficiency of welfare services intended for girls.

The truth about MoseMinistries

The Timeline of a Martyr
In 1994 MoseMinistries (a project of Good Shepherd Evangelical Mission Pvt. Ltd.- GSEM – 9, Renganagar, Subramaniyapuram,Trichy 6200-20) began in Usilampatti – The government did not require at this time any official registration of children’s homes. However, from the start, the home was known and recognized by the authorities. In the years following, up until 1999, children were taken into the home. During the time of the development of the home, none any of the girls relatives ever come to visit, or to ask to take them back again or even inquire about their well-being, although the location of MoseMinistries was also public knowledge...
Interview with Eye Witnesses
Editorial staff: Padam Narayanan claims the “Illegal Confinement” of the girls in MoseMinistries and that the home failed to produce documents related to date and place of birth of the children. Is this correct?
Two German eye witnesses: “That the girls have no birth-certificates is true. However, how can one expect a parent, relative or friend, who just comes to deposit his or her own newborn girl child in the home to surrender the birth certificate of the child, own personal address and telephone number? Would they not do everything possible to disappear unrecognised and swiftly due to the social stigma that was attached to such a cruel act of abandoning a new-born female baby and due to the fear of legal punishment that could follow if apprehended in the act of abandoning a helpless New-Born by governmental authorities? Moreover in the years 1994 to 1999 the issue of birth certificates was neither a legal requirement nor a usual procedure for new-born babies.”...
MoseMinistries: An Open Letter From The Girls
15.12.2015 | Julia Jacob
The National Human Rights Commission, Delhi
The State Human Rights Commission, Chennai
National Commission for Protection of Child Rights
Tamilnadu Federation of Women Lawyers
Respected Sir,
Respected Madam,
May we introduce ourselves at the very onset of this letter to you as women belonging to an NGO called MoseMinistries that is headed by Pastor Gideon Jacob from Tiruchy, Tamilnadu? He is the Chairman of the Good Shepherd Evangelical Mission Pvt. Ltd. and the Senior Pastor of the Good Shepherd World Prayer Centre, in Tiruchy. As you should know, female infanticide was rampant in parts of Tamilnadu in the 1990s, notably in towns like Usilampatti (Madurai District) and Dharmapuri (Salem District)...
An open letter to Paadam Narayanan Ananth
Director of NGO CHANGEindia, Chennai
16.11.2017 | H. Margret
Dear A. Narayanan,
I would like to introduce myself to you. I am a German and I am one of those many people who read and saw many shocking reports in the media, at the start of the 1990s about the mass killings of female babies in various areas of India. Above all I was horrified by the BBC documentary which showed very detailed reports about the killing methods and the terrible torture the new born girls endured. The documentary also included statements from the parents revealing the terrible truth concerning the ignorance of Indian society in general towards this whole issue. I do not need to provide more details, you are well aware of the facts. For me these reports were more than just general news issues which one then easily forgets. It stirred me to take action and to do something about this...
Court Documents
Find here all court orders related to the pending court cases: